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I Nearly Blew It!

I received this past week two very similar emails and wanted to share with you one of them. It's a great story that just may help you if you are wanting to date and meet someone special.

‘I nearly blew it!

Jane, I wanted to take the time to say thank you for my wonderful experience with you but the time has come for me to say goodbye. As you may recall, I have started a relationship with xxx who I met at one your dinners and it's going exceedingly well.

When we first started dating was there a 'spark', NONE AT ALL, and this was something I did struggle with. In fact on one of our dates I was going to say goodbye as I didn't think the 2 of us would work, but I had such as enjoyable date that I couldn't do it. This man is funny, articulate, respectful, caring and oh so affectionate it blows me away! I am so thankful that I gave him a chance and for this side of his personality to come through. Our dates were always fun, we laughed, conversation flowed and I enjoyed his company but that dirty word 'spark' kept popping into my head as this seems to be the defining 'glory' of any potential/successful relationship and if it isn't there from the beginning then just forget it. BUT If spark = fantastic company, great conversation and feeling confident & relaxed with the person you're with, then there was a definite spark.

Yet still I had a small voice inside me saying the ‘spark’ or as some say ‘chemistry’ just wasn’t there. Should I keep on enjoying this man’s company or should I end this and see if someone with chemistry came along. One thing I learnt from you Jane and have put into place in all my dating experience was to give people a go. I also listened to you when you talked about what really makes you happy in a relationship. The guy may not be a 6ft tall finalist in Cleo's bachelor of the year, drive a fancy car or be a successful businessman that wears a suit, but at the end of the day you don't date a 'car' or an 'occupation' you date a person.

So I kept dating this man and guess what…… you were right. The spark is happening. It’s growing. I suspect this has happened as each of us has shared our stories with each other over the past few months on our dates. I guess we are growing in being vulnerable and real with each other. No topic of discussion is off limits and the communication is really strong, something I didn’t have in my marriage and know now is very important. Maybe chemistry is something different as we get older. It

sure was not at all instant and yet now it is really there. I am happy I didn’t blow this by ending it too soon as I probably would never had found ‘the spark’ had I kept looking for it in the wrong way.

Once again Jane, thank you and I am so glad to be off the dating roller coaster and now with Mr. spark growing :-)

Love & best wishes.


So there you go, once more proof that chemistry or as this lady calls it 'the spark' can come in time if given the chance.

Have a gorgeous day

Jane xxx

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